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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Year 12 Curriculum Map

Click the term buttons below to see the curriculum for each subject.

Autumn term

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Students explore various ways of expressive drawing, painting.
Introduction to A-level Art
Students explore various ways of expressive drawing, painting.
Introduction to A-level Art
Biological molecules
Factors affecting enzyme action
Nucleic acids (RNA and DNA)
Energy and ATP
Water and its functions  
Cell structure and division
Cell structure
The cell cycle
Transport across cell membranes
Cell recognition and the immune system
Defence mechanisms
Business Studies (A Level)
Theme 1: Marketing and People
1.1 Meeting customer needs
1.5 Entrepreneurs and leaders
Exam skills
Theme 1: Marketing and People
1.3 Marketing mix and strategy
1.2 The market: demand, supply, PED, YED
Exam skills
Business Studies (BTEC)
Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance
Personal finance:
A1 - Functions and role of money
A2 - Different ways to pay
A3 – Current accounts
A4 – Managing personal finance
Business finance:
C1 – The purpose of accounting
C2 – Types of income
C3 – Types of expenditure
D1 – Sources of finance
Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance
Personal finance:
B1 – Features of financial institutions
B2 – Communicating with customers
B3 – Consumer protection
B4 – Information, guidance and advice for personal finance
Business finance:
E1 – Cash flow forecasts
E2 – Breakeven analysis
F1 – Financial accounts and statements
Module 2
Foundations in Chemistry

Atomic structure
Calculating Isotopic Abundance from m/z
Using the mole
The ideal gas equation
Introduction to acids and titration calculations
Module 2
Foundations in Chemistry

Electron orbitals
Shapes of Molecules
Bonding (induced and permanent)
Hydrogen bonding
Computer Science
Unit 1: components of a computer
Structure and Function of Processor, Types of Processors, Input, Output and storage
Unit 2: Systems software
Functions of an operating system, nature of applications and programming language translators
Unit 1
Different types of crime and unreported crime
Media representations of crime
Statistics on crime
Unit 1
Campaigns for change
Plan a campaign for change relating to crime
Dance (BTEC Performing Arts)
Unit 2 – Developing Skills for Live Performance 
Unit 3 – Group Performance Workshop  
Drama and Theatre Studies 
Component 3:
Section B – That Face
Section C – Woyzeck & Brecht
Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
Component 1
Devising: Frantic Assembly / Script Extract

Creating original performance, using the methodology of a named practitioner (Frantic Assembly) in response to an extract from a play text.
English Literature 
Knowledge about Drama: analysing Greek and modern tragedies; realism; expressionism; Aristotelian Three Unities; Climactic and Episodic plots; proxemics and overheard
Knowledge about Drama continued:
conversations; academic instruction on planning, thesis introductions; contextual/typicality and perspective commentaries; conclusions
Film Studies 
Introduction to course and Introduction to film analysis.
Paper 1 Section B: American Film Since 2005
Mainstream Film: No Country for Old Men
Continuation of Paper 1 Section B: American Film Since 2005
Mainstream Film: No Country for Old Men
Paper 1 Section A – Hollywood 1930-1990 Classical Hollywood film: The Lady from Shanghai (Welles,1947)
Introduction to filming and editing.
Government and Politics
Government and politics of the UK
The Constitution
emocracy and participation
Government and politics of the UK
The judiciary
Health and Social Care (BTEC)
Introduction to Course
Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care
Early Tudors
Henry VII: accession and threats
Russia 1894-1941
The character, skills and early rule of Nicholas I

Civil Rights in USA
African Americans and the reconstruction period
Early Tudors
Henry VII: government and security
Russia 1894-1941
The 1905 revolution and constitutional period
Civil Rights in USA
African American civil rights in the early 20th century
English Legal system
Introduction to Course
Parliament and Law making
Delegated Legislation
Judiciary and Judicial precedent
Statutory interpretation
English Legal system
Criminal Courts system
EU Law
Law reform
Civil Courts and ADR
Legal personnel
Algebra 1
Kinematics 1
Algebra 2
Functions, Graphs & Transformations
Newton’s Laws & Forces 1
Musical Theatre
Introduction to musical theatre and its recent developments
Critical listening skills
Study of set composers Rogers, Bernstein and Lloyd-Webber
Development of the Symphony
What is a symphony?
The early symphony Stamitz, J.C Bach, Mozart and Haydn
Haydn Symphony No.104 3rd movement set work study
Score reading, error identification and dictation
Exam technique – comparative listening
Ongoing practice mock recital before Christmas
Step up to A Level harmony and tonality
A-Level Composition course
An Introduction to Epistemology
What is knowledge?
Normative Ethical Theories
Utilitarianism and Kantian deontological ethics
The Tripartite View of Knowledge
Philosophical theories about the structure of knowledge.
Normative Ethical Theories
Aristotelean Virtue Ethics
Exploring/learning about formal elements in photography. Introduction into A-level Photography
Exploring/learning about formal elements in photography. Introduction into A-level Photography
Module 2: Foundation of Physics
Learn about scalars and vectors, SI units calculating and estimating the uncertainty in calculation
Module 3.1: Motion
linear motion
Projectile motion

This unit provides knowledge and understanding of key ideas used to describe and analyse the motion of objects in both one-dimension and in two-dimensions. It also provides students with opportunities to develop their analytical and experimental skills.
Module 3.2: Forces in action
Dynamics and Mechanics
There are opportunities to consider contemporary applications of terminal velocity, moments, couples, pressure, and Archimedes principle
Module 4.1: Charge and current
Understand electric current and electrical circuits.  The continuity equation (I = Anev) concludes with categorising all materials in terms of their ability to conduct
Component 1: Introduction to Psychology - The Biological Approach:

Assumptions, Therapies and Classical Evidence
Component 1: The Psychodynamic Approach and the Behaviourist Approach:

Assumptions, Therapies and Classical Evidence
Introduction to sociological theories
The role and functions of the education system
Theories on the family
Class differences in education
Gender differences in education
Changing family patterns and family diversity
Sport (BTEC)
Unit 1:  Anatomy and Physiology   
Unit 3:  Professional Development in the Sports Industry- Coursework 
Unit 1:  Anatomy and Physiology   
Mock exam  
Unit 3:  Professional Development in the Sports Industry- Coursework 

Spring term

  Spring 1 Spring 2
The personal investigation Students reflect on their interests, practice and begin a project that will form their Personal Investigations. In addition, teachers may wish to prompt and provoke reflection in the students.
The personal investigation Students reflect on their interests, practice and begin a project that will form their Personal Investigations. In addition, teachers may wish to prompt and provoke reflection in the students.
Organisms exchange substances with their environment
Human gas exchange system
Gas exchange in fish
Gas exchange in plants
Enzymes and digestion
Organisms exchange substances with their environment
The circulatory system and the heart
Transport in plants
Business Studies (A)
Theme 1: Marketing and People
1.4 Managing people
Recap and Exam skills
Theme 4: Global Business
4.1 Globalisation Part 1
4.2 Global markets and business expansion Part 1
Theme 4: Global Business
4.1 Globalisation Part 2
4.2 Global markets and business expansion Part 2
Exam skills
Business Studies (BTEC)
Unit 3 Exam preparation and exam in January
Unit 1: Exploring Business
Learning aim A: Explore the features of different businesses and their stakeholders and analyse what makes them successful
Unit 1: Exploring Business
Learning aim B: Investigate how businesses are organised, their structure, aims and objectives
Learning aim C: Examine the environment in which businesses operate
Module 3
Physical Chemistry

The Periodic table and periodicity
Ionisation energies
Group 2
Group 7
Identification of unknown ions through qualitative analysis
Module 3
Physical Chemistry

Enthalpy calculations
Hess’ law
Reaction rates
Catalysts and the Boltzmann distribution
Reversible Reactions
The equilibrium constant
Computer Science
Unit 3: Software Development:
Systems analysis, writing algorithms and assembly language
Unit 4: Exchanging Data:
Compression and Hashing and Databases
Unit 5: Networks and Web Technologies
tructure of the Internet, Newtork security, HTML and CSS and Client-Server
Unit 6: Data Types
Binary and Hex, Binary arithmetic
Controlled assessment preparation unit 1
Unit 2
The social construction of criminality
Unit 2
Biological, individualistic and sociological explanations of criminality
Dance (BTEC Performing Arts)
Unit 2 – Developing Skills for Live Performance 
Unit 3 – Group Performance Workshop  
Drama and Theatre Studies 
Component 3:
Section B – That Face

Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
Component 1
Devising: Frantic Assembly / Script Extract

Creating original performance, using the methodology of a named practitioner (Frantic Assembly) in response to an extract from a play text.
English Literature 
Knowledge about Novels: modernism and post-modernism; dystopia;  modified and unreliable first person narrators; settings
Knowledge about Novels continued: character clusters and focalisation; Race/class/gender/ politics issues; modernist structures; self-reflexivity; intertextuality
Film Studies 
Paper 1 Section A – Hollywood 1930-1990 New Hollywood film: Bonnie and Clyde (Penn, 1967)
Paper 1 Section B: American Film Since 2005
Independent Film: Winter’s Bone (Granik, 2010)
Practice Production Project
Continuation of Paper 1 Section B: American Film Since 2005
Independent Film: Winter’s Bone (Granik, 2010)
Paper 2  Section C: Silent Film Buster Keaton shorts - One Week (1920), The Scarecrow (1920), The 'High Sign' (1921) and Cops (1922)
Continuation of Practice Production Project
Government and Politics
Government and politics of the UK
Elections, referendums and voting behaviour
The Prime Minister and cabinet
Government and politics of the UK
Pressure groups
Political parties
Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care
Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care & Support Needs
Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care & Support Needs
Unit 8: Promoting Public Health
Early Tudors
Henry VII: foreign policy
Russia 1894-1941
The February/March 1917 revolution

Civil Rights in USA
African Americans and the 1950s and 1960s civil rights movement
Early Tudors
Henry VIII foreign policy to 1529
Russia 1894-1941
The period of Dual Power
Civil Rights in USA
African Americans in the 1970s and 1980s
Concepts of Criminal law
The rule of law
Non-fatal offences against the person
Assault, battery, ABH s47, GBH s20, GBH s18.
Tort Law
The rules of Tort Law 
Theory of Tort Law
Liability for physical injury to people and damage to property.
Coordinate Geometry
Binomial Expansion
Single Variable Data
Trigonometry 1
Bivariate Data & Correlation
Musical Theatre
Critical listening skills
Study of set composers Sondheim, Schoenberg and Schwartz
Exam technique – the musical theatre essay
Development of the Symphony
Haydn Symphony No.104  1st movement set work study
Score reading, error identification and dictation
Exam technique – comparative listening
The development of the symphony Beethoven and Schubert
Ongoing practice mock recital before Easter
ALevel Composition course
Starting ALevel Free Compositions
Perception as a source of knowledge
Direct and indirect realism. Exploring Berkeley’s idealism.
Applied Ethics
Application and evaluation of utilitarianism, Kantian ethics and Aristotelean ethics to the contemporary ethical issue of stealing.  
Reason as a source of knowledge
Understanding innatism, intuition and deduction thesis.
Applied Ethics
Application and evaluation of utilitarianism, Kantian ethics and Aristotelean ethics to the contemporary ethical issue of simulated killing.     
The Personal Investigation
Students reflect on their interests, practice and begin a project that will form their Personal Investigations. In addition, teachers may wish to prompt and provoke reflection in the students.
The Personal Investigation
Students reflect on their interests, practice and begin a project that will form their Personal Investigations. In addition, teachers may wish to prompt and provoke reflection in the students.
Module 3.3: Work, energy and power
Understand the important link between work done and energy is explored and to apply the important principle of conservation of energy to a range of situations.
Module 4.2: Energy power and resistance
Students will learn understand the use of electrical symbols, electromotive force, potential difference, resistivity and power. The use scientific vocabulary to use energy saving devices, such as LED lamps, in homes. understand the link between environmental damage from power stations and the impetus to use energy saving devices in the home
Module 3.4: Materials
This section examines the physical properties of springs and materials. Learners can carry out a range of experimental work to enhance their knowledge and skills, including the management of risks and analysis of data to provide evidence for relationships between physical quantities.
Module 4.3: Electric circuits
Understanding of electrical circuits, internal resistance and potential dividers. LDRs and thermistors are used to show how changes in light intensity and temperature respectively can be monitored using potential dividers
Component 1: The Cognitive Approach, and the Positive Approach:

Assumptions, Therapies and Classical Evidence
Component 2: 
Introduction to research methods
Main methods
Descriptive Statistics
Ethnic differences in education
Educational policies
Gender roles in the family
Sport (BTEC)
Unit 1:  Anatomy and Physiology   
Unit 3:  Professional Development in the Sports Industry - Coursework 
Unit 1:  Anatomy and Physiology   
Exam revision and prep
Unit 3:  Professional Development in the Sports Industry - Coursework 

Summer term

  Summer 1 Summer 2
The personal investigation
Students reflect on their interests, practice and begin a project that will form their Personal Investigations. In addition, teachers may wish to prompt and provoke reflection in the students.
The personal investigation Students reflect on their interests, practice and begin a project that will form their Personal Investigations. In addition, teachers may wish to prompt and provoke reflection in the students.
Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
DNA, genes and protein synthesis
Genetic diversity
Meiosis and types of selection
Species and taxonomy
Quantitative investigations of variation
Energy transfer in and between organisms
Photosynthesis and respiration
Business Studies (A level)
Theme 4: Global Business 4.3 Global marketing Part 1
4.4 Global industries and companies – MNCs Part 1
Exam skills
Theme 4: Global Business 4.3 Global marketing Part 2
4.4 Global industries and companies – MNCs Part 2
Exam skills
Business Studies (BTEC)
Unit 1: Exploring Business
Learning aim D: Examine business markets, their structure, relationship between demand, supply and price, impact on pricing and output decisions
Unit 1: Exploring Business
Learning aim E: Investigate the role and contributions of innovation and enterprise to business success, benefits and risks associated with innovation
Module 4
Basic concepts of organic chemistry

Carbon skeletons
Properties of Alkanes and alkenes
Addition and substitution reactions of electrophiles and neutrophiles
Properties of alcohols and haloalkenes
Module 4

Mass Spectrometry
Infrared spectrometry
Synthetic routes of preparing organic compounds
Computer Science
Unit 7: Data structures
Arrays, Stacks, Hash tables and graphs
Unit 8: Boolean Algebra
Logic Gates and Boolean expressions
Unit 9: Legal, moral, ethical and cultural isssues
Computing related issues
Unit 2
Policy development and campaigns affecting criminal policy making
Revision of Unit 1 and Unit 2

Introduction to Unit 3 and 4- Prisons project
Dance (BTEC Performing Arts)
Unit 2 – Developing Skills for Live Performance 
Unit 2: Exam 
Unit 3 – Group Performance Workshop 
Unit 3 – Group Performance Workshop 
Drama and Theatre Studies 
Component 1
Devising: Frantic Assembly/Script Extract
Creating original performance, using the methodology of a named practitioner (Frantic Assembly) in response to an extract from a play text.
Performance assessment and completion of accompanying written portfolio.
Component 3:
Section B – That Face
Section C – Woyzeck & Brecht
Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
English Literature 
Unseen Modern and Poetry Texts/ Knowledge about Poetry: meaningful analysis of form/structure/language; typical features of love poetry
Comparative Coursework: Frankenstein: Shelley’s authorial craft; historical and political contexts; research and independent study of companion texts
Film Studies 
Continuation of Paper 2  Section C: Silent Film Buster Keaton shorts - One Week (1920), The Scarecrow (1920), The 'High Sign' (1921) and Cops (1922)
Paper 1 Section C: British Film Since 1995 – Film 1: Under the Skin (Glazer, 2013)
Research and planning for major coursework project.
Continuation of Paper 1 Section C: British Film Since 1995 – Film 1: Under the Skin (Glazer, 2013)
Paper 1 Section C: British Film Since 1995 – Film 1: We need to Talk about Kevin (Ramsay, 2011)
Continuation of research and planning for major coursework project.
Government and Politics
Government and politics of the UK
The European Union
Politics ideologies
Government and politics of the USA
The US Constitution
Politics ideologies
Health and Social Care
Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care & Support Needs
Unit 8: Promoting Public Health
Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care & Support Needs
Unit 8: Promoting Public Health
Early Tudors
Henry VIII: The break with Rome
Russia 1894-1941
The Bolshevik takeover, October 1917

Civil Rights in USA
Women’s civil rights, 1865-1940.
Early Tudors
Henry VIII: Government in the 1530s
Russia 1894-1941
The Bolshevik consolidation of power

Civil Rights in USA
Women’s civil rights, 1942-1992.
Tort Law
Liability in negligence for economic loss and psychiatric injury
Occupier’s liability 1957 and 1984
Remedies and compensation for damages
Criminal Law
Fatal offences against the person - Murder, Manslaughter
Defences to murder
Differentiation 1
Integration 1
Measures of Average & Spread
Exponentials & Logarithms
Vectors 1
Musical Theatre
Critical listening skills
Set composers revised
Exam technique – the musical theatre essay
Development of the Symphony
Haydn Symphony No.104 1st and 3rd movement consolidated
Score reading, error identification and dictation
The development of the symphony Berlioz
Introduction to Mendelssohn Symphony No.4 Italian set work
Into the 20th century
Impressionism, Expressionism and NeoClassicism introduced
Wider listening Stravinsky, Debussy and Schoenberg
Debussy Set Work Nuages
Ongoing practice mock recital in June
Continuing ALevel Free Compositions
The limits of knowledge
To what extent is it possible to ‘know’?
Moral realism and an exploration of the meaning of ethical language. A consideration of the extent to which ethical language is able to/is intending to make factual claims about the world.
The limits of knowledge
Exploring the boundaries of knowledge claims
Anti-realism, emotivism and prescriptivism. Understanding philosophical theory about the purpose of ethical language.
The Personal Investigation
Students reflect on their interests, practice and begin a project that will form their Personal Investigations. In addition, teachers may wish to prompt and provoke reflection in the students.
The Personal Investigation
Students reflect on their interests, practice and begin a project that will form their Personal Investigations. In addition, teachers may wish to prompt and provoke reflection in the students.
Module 3.5: Newton’s laws of motion and Momentum 
Understanding of Newton’s laws – fundamental laws that can be used to predict the motion of all colliding or interacting objects in applications such as sport.
Module 4.4: Waves
This section provides knowledge and understanding of wave properties, electromagnetic waves, superposition and stationary waves.
Component 2: Research methods continued
Brain scans, Inferential statistics
Component 2: Coursework
Two Investigations. Plan, run, write up
Sociological research methods
Demographic trends
Research methods in the context of education
Families and social policies
Sport (BTEC)
Exam revision and prep 
Unit 1: Exam 
Coursework Deadline 


Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for  
Health, Sport and Well-being 
Optional Unit (TBC)