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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls is a highly successful school, judged by Ofsted in January 2023 as ‘Good’ in all categories.

Year 10 Curriculum Map

Click the term buttons below to see the curriculum for each subject

Autumn term

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2
An Inspector Calls:
analysing morality plays; monologue; denouement; tension and suspense manipulation; props; lighting; costume
** Literature and language units extend across the term
Fiction: analysing and creating action sequences; characters arcs; structural repetition and circularity; zoo/anthropomorphism
Similarity and Congruence
Equations and Inequalities
Averages and Range
Biology: B5 Non-communicable diseases: cancer, smoking and disease, diet and exercise, alcohol and carcinogens
Chemistry: C4 Chemical Calculations
Exploring the mathematical links between the world of the atom, and the world we can see.
Determining Relative Formula mass and number of moles, titrations, concentrations, limiting reactants, yield and atom economy
Physics: Energy Transfer
Learn about the factors that affect the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of an object and be able to calculate this amount of energy. Learn about what Infra-red radiation and how this is absorbed by objects. Learn about the effect of insulation to prevent heat loss in buildings.
Biology: B6 B7 Preventing and treating disease: vaccinations, antibiotics, painkillers, new drugs, stages of drug development and non communicable diseases.
Chemistry: C4 Chemical Calculations
Exploring the mathematical links between the world of the atom, and the world we can see.
Determining Relative Formula mass and number of moles, titrations, concentrations, limiting reactants, yield and atom economy
Physics: Energy Resources
Learn about different types of energy resources. Students will learn about energy demands and power generation and renewable energy resources.
Computer Science
Unit 1 - Algorithms
Decomposition and abstraction. Algorithms, flowcharts and pseudo-code.
Unit 1 - Algorithms
Specific algorithms for sorting and searching, including the bubble and merge sorts.
The Challenge of Natural Hazards
UK extreme weather.
Climate Change: evidence, causes, effects, mitigation & adaptation.
The Living World
Ecosystems: distribution, food webs, nutrient cycling, small and large scale ecosystem case studies.
The Living World
Tropical rainforests: location, characteristics, interdependency, biodiversity, adaptations.
Deforestation: causes, effects, sustainable management.
Cold War crises, 1958-1970
Berlin crisis and Berlin Wall; Cuban Missile Crisis; Prague Spring; 
Focus: Causation; Consequence; Significance 
End of the Cold War, 1970-1991 
Détente; Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; Reagan and Second Cold War; Gorbachev and end of the USSR;  
Focus: Causation; Consequence; Significance 
Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Unit 5 Home, town, neighbourhood and region.
Theme 2- Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 5 Home, town, neighbourhood and region.
Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Unit 5 Home, town, neighbourhood and region.
Theme 2- Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 5 Home, town, neighbourhood and region.
Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Unit 5 Home, town, neighbourhood and region.
Theme 2- Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 5 Home, town, neighbourhood and region.
Component 1. Portfolio
Students choose their theme of the coursework: still life, landscape, portrait or organic forms. Students develop their component 1. Students explore the work of artists/photographers (assessment objective 1, 3)
Component 1. Portfolio
Students choose their theme of the coursework: still life, landscape, portrait or organic forms. Students develop their component 1. Students explore the work of artists/photographers (assessment objective 1, 3)
Business Studies
Theme 1 – 1.4 Making the business effective - Part 2
The marketing mix and how elements of marketing mix work together
The role of business plans and the purpose of business planning
Theme 1 – 1.5 Understanding external influences on business – Part 1
Business stakeholders and how they impact business decisions and activity
Different types of technology and their influence on business activity
Legislation and impact of legislation on businesses
Theme B1 – Democracy at work in the UK
Political ideologies and parties
Voting systems
The organisation of government
House of Commons and making legislation
Theme B2 – Democracy at work in the UK
The roles and purpose of the executive, legislative, judiciary, monarchy, and civil service
Methods and reasons for holding those in power to account including the role of the House of Lords
Child Development
Unit R058: Create a safe environment and understand the nutritional needs of children from birth to five years
Topic Area 1: Creating a safe environment in a childcare setting
Reasons why accidents happen, types of accidents, planning to prevent accidents.
Unit R058: Create a safe environment and understand the nutritional needs of children from birth to five years
Topic Area 2: Choosing suitable equipment for a childcare setting
Types of essential equipment, factors affecting suitability and choice
Theory: Section A
General Dance
Practical: Performance
Set Phrase Breathe
Theory: Section A and Section B
General Dance and 6 mark questions
Set Phrase Flux
Design Technology
Textiles Core and in-depth knowledge.
Smart and Modern Materials
Practical: Wash bag
Designing principles
Textiles: Prototyping Paper dresses for the catwalk
Natural and manufactured timbers: Methods of joining
New and Emerging Technologies: Production techniques and systems
Component 1: Devising
Creating and developing ideas to communicate meaning for theatrical performance, as a response to stimuli.
Component 1: Devising
Rehearsal and refinement.
Exploring genre, form, structure, character, structure and language.
Fashion and Textiles
Knowledge of sewing equipment, printing and methods of embellishment
Designs inspired by a theme
Component 1: Portfolio
Project: Natural Forms
Brief: Design and make a mixed media installation piece showing skills from Design Craft, Fashion and Textiles and Visual Arts that is inspired by natural forms.
Research, develop, explore and analyse the work of others.
Show experimentation, risk-taking, drawing and the application of the formal elements
Component 1: Portfolio
Project: Natural Forms
Brief: Design and make a mixed media installation piece showing skills from Design Craft, Fashion and Textiles and Visual Arts that is inspired by natural forms.
Refine and reflect upon work as it progresses by exploring ideas.
Gather, select, organise and communicate information that is relevant. 
Show samples, testing and development of ideas. 
Reflect on work in progress
Create a personal and imaginative final outcome, that effectively realises the design brief
Hospitality and Catering
Understand the environment in which hospitality and catering providers operate
Describe the structure of the hospitality and catering industry
Food Spoilage
Analyse job requirements within the hospitality and catering industry
Describe working conditions of different job roles across the hospitality and catering industry

Explain factors affecting the success of hospitality and catering providers
Media Studies
Advertising and  Marketing (Paper 1, Section A)

Quality Street and This Girl Can adverts
Film Marketing and Media Industries (Paper 1, Section A and B)

Man with a Golden Gun and Spectre posters, Bond 007 website
Musical Forms and Devices - AoS 1
Set work analysis all music elements in Badinerie by J.S. Bach
Wider listening – Baroque era focus
Identifying musical structures
Identifying and using compositional devices
Year 10 GCSE composition programme
Solo and Ensemble performance
Practical: Netball
Theory: Physical training
3.1 Health and fitness
3.2 Components of fitness
Practical: Badminton / trampolining & coursework fitness programme 
Theory: Physical training
3.3 Principles of training
3.6 Warm up and cool down
PE (Core)
Develop core skills in isolation and developed through a routine. 
Understanding the importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle. 
Net sports - Badminton or volleyball 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Games - Basketball, handball, football or netball 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Religious Studies
10.1 Living the Christian Life
Exploring the impact of belief on the life of Christians, including the role of sacraments, prayer, pilgrimage and celebration. Consideration of the role of the local Church and the future of the worldwide Church.
10.2 Matters of Life and Death
Thematic unit covering the origins and value of the universe, including religious beliefs on the sanctity of life. Topics in medical ethics, including abortion and euthanasia.
The Roles and Functions of Education
Factors affecting educational achievement
Social class, gender and ethnicity

Spring term

  Spring 1 Spring 2
Jekyll & Hyde: analysing stock characters/foils; red herrings; epistolary mode
Non-Fiction: analysing and creating anecdote, expert opinion, antithesis; synthesising texts; comparing sources
Multiplicative reasoning
Ratio and Proportion
Further Trigonometry
Right angled triangles
Biology: B8 Bioenergetics: Photosynthesis and factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis. How plants use glucose.
C6 Electrolysis 

Looking at the process of electrolysis and its uses in industry 

Physics: Electric circuits
Learn how to build electric circuits, knowing different types of components and their behaviour with changing in current and voltage.
Students will understand the difference between series and parallel circuits and know how these circuits can be used in everyday life.
Biology: B9 Bioenergetics: Aerobic respiration, our bodies’ response to exercise and anaerobic respiration.
Adaptations, interdependence and competition: distribution and abundance, competition and adaptation
C7 Energy Changes 

Identifying the difference between exothermic and endothermic reactions, and calculating the energy change of a reaction
Physics: Electricity in the Home
Students will be able to compare alternating current (a.c.) traces in terms of period and amplitude (voltage).
Students will learn about cables and plugs in terms of their physical and electrical properties. Students will look at various home appliances and will be able to compare energy usage and efficiency of appliances
Computer Science
Unit 2A - Programming Basics/Techniques
Programming fundamentals and data types and operations using pseudocode
Unit 2A - Programming Basics/Techniques
Programming fundamentals, sequence and selection, iteration, arrays and records using
The Living World
Cold Environments: location, characteristics, biodiversity, adaptations.
Alaska: opportunities, challenges, oil.
Protecting wilderness environments.
Urban Challenges
Global Pattern of urban change.
Urban growth in Nigeria.
Lagos: growth, opportunities & challenges, management.
The Weimar Republic, 1919-1933 
The Weimar constitution; The Treaty of Versailles; Hyperinflation; Stresemann and the Golden Age of the Republic; 
Focus: Causation, Interpretations 
Hitler’s rise to power, 1919-1933 
The early Nazi Party, the lean years and Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor. 
Focus: Causation; Interpretations 
Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 6- Social issues
Charity/voluntary work
Healthy/unhealthy living
Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 7 -Global issues
The environment
Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 6- Social issues
Charity/voluntary work
Healthy/unhealthy living
Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 7 -Global issues
The environment
Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 6- Social issues
Charity/voluntary work
Healthy/unhealthy living
Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 7 -Global issues
The environment
Component 1. Portfolio
Students continue working into their coursework, developing assessment objectives 1,2,3 
Component 1. Portfolio
Students continue working into their coursework, developing assessment objectives 1,2,3 
Business Studies
Theme 1 – 1.5 Part 2
The economy and the economic impact on businesses, including impact of interest rates, inflation, exchange rates and government taxation
The importance of external influences on businesses and possible business responses to the changes in their environment
Theme 2 – 2.1 Growing the business
Business growth methods including internal and external growth
Sources of finance that are appropriate for a growing business
How business aims and objectives change when a business grows
The impact of globalisation on businesses
Ethics, the business environment and considerations by businesses
Theme A3 – Local power and Finance
The role of local and national government in providing the public sector needs to all communities within the UK
Taxation and public sector spending
Theme B3 – Democracy at work in the UK
The role of the Magna Carta in shaping democracy
The British constitution compared to the American constitution
Child Development
Unit R058: Create a safe environment and understand the nutritional needs of children from birth to five years
Topic Area 3: Nutritional needs of children from birth to five years
Current Government dietary recommendations for healthy eating for children from birth to five years, essential nutrients and their functions for children from birth to five years.
Unit R058: Create a safe environment and understand the nutritional needs of children from birth to five years
Topic Area 3: Nutritional needs of children from birth to five years
Plan for preparing a feed/meal, how to evaluate planning and preparation of a feed/meal.
Theory: Section C
Analysis of Infra
Practical: Performance
Performance piece based on Infra
Theory: Section C
Analysis of Artificial Things
Practical: Performance
Performance piece based on Artificial Things
Design Technology
NEA Preparation
Advanced skills workshop demonstrations
Design questions
Research techniques
Questionnaires and analysis
NEA Preparation
Designing for different needs
Character profiles and target markets
Design brief
Design Specification
Component 1: Devising
Devised performance exam with subsequent analysis and evaluation of work.
Completion of accompanying portfolio.
Component 3: DNA 6 Elements
Revising and developing understanding of design elements as applied to the exam text.
Fashion and Textiles
Component 1: Portfolio
Project: Designing for a client: Grayson Perry the maximalist.
Brief: Develop 2D designs and fashion illustrations for Grayson dress/robe and headpiece to be worn at UCLA graduation ceremony.
Develop 3D textile samples to accompany 2D outcomes and full-scale headpiece.
Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
Component 1: Portfolio
Project: Designing for a client: Grayson Perry the maximalist.
Brief: Develop 2D designs and fashion illustrations for Grayson dress/robe and headpiece to be worn at UCLA graduation ceremony.
Develop 3D textile samples to accompany 2D outcomes and full-scale headpiece.
Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
Hospitality and Catering
Understand how hospitality and catering provision meets health and safety requirements
Describe personal safety responsibilities in the workplace Identify risks to personal safety in hospitality and catering
Recommend personal safety control measures for hospitality and catering provision
Deboning and Filleting
Media Studies
Film Marketing and Media Industries (Paper 1, Section A and B)
Man with a Golden Gun and Spectre posters, Bond 007 website
Video Games (Paper 1 Section B) 
Fortnite (2017) Selected key pages from the Fortnite website, including the homepage and at least two other pages.
Coursework research and planning
Music for Ensembles - A0S 2
Study of musical styles for different ensembles – Musical theatre, Jazz, Blues, Rock n roll, Chamber Music
Wider listening Classical and Romantic focus
Identifying instruments and describing texture revisited
Year 10 GCSE composition programme
Starting GCSE Free compositions
Solo and Ensemble Performances
Football & coursework fitness programme 
Personal Exercise Programme 
Handball & coursework fitness programme 
Personal Exercise Programme 
PE (Core)
Develop core skills in isolation and developed through a routine. 
Understanding the importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle. 
Net sports - Badminton or volleyball 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Games - Basketball, handball, football or netball 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Religious Studies
10.2 Matters of Life and Death
Thematic unit covering the origins and value of the universe, including religious beliefs on the sanctity of life. Topics in medical ethics, including abortion and euthanasia.
10.3 Living the Muslim Life
Exploring the impact of belief on the life of Muslims, including the Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi’a Islam, the Five Pillars of Islam, celebrations and commemorations.
Educational policies and types of schooling
Social stratification
Sociological views on stratification, social class and life chances

Summer term

  Summer 1 Summer 2
Love and Relationship/Unseen
analysing sonnets; metre; stanza and line forms; eye/internal rhymes
Getting to Grips with Language: analysing and creating high quality literary devices; drafting techniques
Further Statistics
Multiplicative reasoning
Equations and graphs
Quadratic equations and graphs
Biology: B10 Biological responses
Principles of homeostasis and the human nervous system.

C9 (C10, C11 Triple only) Organic Chemistry 

Introduction to organic chemistry.  
Identifying hydrocarbons and their reactions and uses 
Cracking of hydrcarbons 
Fractional distillation of hydrocarbons 
Uses of polymers  
Reactions involving carboxylic acids and alcohols 
Physics: Molecules and Matter
Students will learn about the structure of matter in terms of density. Students will learn about changes of state and latent heat as well as internal energy of matter. Students will learn about the Gas Laws relating pressure, volume and temperature.
Biology: B11 Biological responses
Hormonal coordination. The control of blood sugar levels, how hormones affect the menstrual cycle and plant hormones.
Chemistry: C9 (C10, C11 Triple only) Organic Chemistry
Introduction to organic chemistry.
Identifying hydrocarbons and their reactions and uses
Cracking of hydrcarbons
Fractional distillation of hydrocarbons
Uses of polymers
Reactions involving carboxylic acids and alcohols
Physics: Radioactivity
Students will learn about different type of radioactivity, their uses and dangers. Students will learn about the nucleus of an atom and how it was discovered. Students will learn about radioactive decay as well as Nuclear fission and fusion (triple science only)
Computer Science
Unit 2B - Programming Basics/Techniques
Procedures and functions, validation and authentications
Unit 2B - Programming Basics/Techniques
Purpose of algorithms, errors and testing
Pseudocode techniques
Urban Challenges
Urban challenges in the UK.
UK population distribution.
London: history, population growth and diversity.
Urban Challenges
London: redevelopment, opportunities, challenges & management.
Fieldwork: human fieldwork investigation and write up
Nazi control & dictatorship, 1933-1939 
The police state, propaganda and opposition to the Nazis. 
Focus: Causation; Interpretations 
Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 
Nazi economic and social policy 
Focus: Causation; Interpretations 
Theme 2- Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 8 - Travel and tourism: holiday destinations, holiday preferences holiday in details, holiday activities.
Theme 2- Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 8 - Travel and tourism : visiting different places in France, visiting French towns and cities
Theme 2- Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 8 - Travel and tourism : holiday destinations, holiday preferences holiday in details, holiday activities.
Theme 2- Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 8 - Travel and tourism : visiting different places in Germany, visiting German towns and cities
Theme 2- Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 8 - Travel and tourism : holiday destinations, holiday preferences holiday in details, holiday activities.
Theme 2- Local, national, international and global areas of interest.
Unit 8 - Travel and tourism : visiting different places in Spain, visiting Spanish towns and cities
Component 1. Portfolio
Students continue working into their coursework, developing assessment objectives 1, 2, 3 & 4. Some will start 2nd unit of work
Component 1. Portfolio
Students continue working into their coursework, developing assessment objectives 1, 2, 3 & 4. Some will start 2nd unit of work
Business Studies
Theme 2 – 2.2 Making marketing decisions – Part 1
Product element of marketing mix; including the design mix, product life cycle, extension strategies, importance of differentiation
Price element of the marketing mix; including pricing strategies and factors influencing pricing decisions
Place element of the marketing mix; including methods of distribution
Theme 2 – 2.2 - Part 2  Promotion element of the marketing mix; including appropriate promotion methods and strategies for different market and the use of technology in promotion
Using the marketing mix to make business decisions such as how each element can influence other elements, how they work together, how integrating the marketing mix can affect competitive advantage
Theme D3 – Political Engagement and Change 
Digital political participation and the influence on democracy across the world
The role of pressure groups, NGOs and trade unions in enhancing political participation  
Theme E – Taking Citizenship action
Choosing, researching, planning, developing skills and carrying out citizenship action on an issue of students' own choice to enact change or raise awareness on their selected topic.
Child Development
Unit R059: Understand the development of a child from one to five years
Topic Area 1: Physical, intellectual and social developmental norms from one to five years
Identifying specific development norms for each of the key age groups.
Unit R059: Understand the development of a child from one to five years
Topic Area 2: Stages and types of play and how play benefits development
What happens at each stage of play, the expected ages for each stage, the different types of play, how play benefits development.
Unit R057: Health and well-being for child development
Revision of this unit in preparation for summer exam.
Theory: Section C
Analysis of Within Her Eyes
Practical: Performance
Performance piece based on Within Her Eyes
Theory: Section A & B
6 mark questions
Performance Piece
Exam Dance -  Duo/Trio Performance
Design Technology
NEA Preparation
Focussed practical tasks and techniques workshops
Preparation for Exam Question 6 – In depth knowledge (25 marks)
Focussed practical tasks and techniques workshops
Preparation for Exam Question 6 (25 marks)
NEA GCSE Task release date: 1st June
Component 3
DNA: performer & director

Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
Component 3
Live Theatre Evaluation

Analysing and evaluating the work of others.
Fashion and Textiles
Component 1: Portfolio
Project: Designing for a client: Grayson Perry the maximalist.
Brief: Develop 2D designs and fashion illustrations for Grayson dress/robe and headpiece to be worn at UCLA graduation ceremony.
Develop 3D textile samples to accompany 2D outcomes and full-scale headpiece.
Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to ideas as the work progresses.
Component 1: Portfolio
Project: Designing for a client: Grayson Perry the maximalist.
Brief: Develop 2D designs and fashion illustrations for Grayson dress/robe and headpiece to be worn at UCLA graduation ceremony.
Develop 3D textile samples to accompany 2D outcomes and full-scale headpiece.
Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates an understanding of visual language.
Hospitality and Catering
The role and responsibilities of the Environmental Health Officer (EHO) Food safety legislation
Common types of food poisoning
Symptoms of food induced ill health
Catering Contracts
Devise plans and cook for events
Options for hospitality and catering provision
Free Foods and Fairtrade
Media Studies
Continuation of Video Games (Paper 1 Section B)
Fortnite (2017) Selected key pages from the Fortnite website, including the homepage and at least two other pages.
Radio (Paper 1 Section B)

BBC Radio 4 – The Archers
One complete episode of The Archers and selected key pages from The Archers website.
Coursework research and planning
Continuation of Radio (Paper 1 Section B)

BBC Radio 4 – The Archers
One complete episode of The Archers  and selected key pages from The Archers website.
Coursework research and planning
GCSE Consolidation
AoS 3 Film Music revisited
The exam 10 mark question revisited
GCSE Free compositions continued
Critical listening skills
Solo and Ensemble Performances (preparation for Year 11 NEA)
Exam technique
Theory: Physical training
3.5 Injuries and Performance Enhancing Drugs
Theory: Movement analysis
2.1 Levers
2.2 Planes and axes
PE (Core)
Develop a range of core skills in isolation across a variety of events. 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and perform rules and tactics in a game situation. 
Street Sports 
Develop a range of core skills in isolation and in group challenges across a variety of street sports. 
Religious Studies
10.4 Peace and Conflict
Thematic unit covering what peace is and the impact of peace and conflict in the world today. Study of the Just War Theory and Holy war, and an exploration of ethical questions surrounding conflict.
Social stratification
Poverty as a social issue
Social stratification
Power and authority and power relationships between social groups