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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Year 13 Curriculum Map

Click the term buttons below to see the curriculum for each subject.

Autumn term

  Autumn `1 Autumn 2
Component 1
Students developing their personal projects
Component 1
Students developing their personal projects
Energy transfer in and between organisms
Energy and ecosystems
Organisms respond to changes in the environment
Response to stimuli
Organisms respond to changes in the environment
Nervous coordination and muscles
The synapse
Principles of homeostasis
Feedback mechanisms
Regulation of blood glucose, temperature and water
Business Studies (A level)
Theme 2: Managing business activities
2.1 Raising finance
2.2 Financial planning
2.3 Managing finance Part 1
Theme 2: Managing business activities
2.3 Managing finance Part 2
2.4 Resource management
2.5 External influences
Business Studies (BTEC)
Unit 2: Developing a marketing campaign
A1 – The role of marketing
A2 – Influences on marketing activity
B1 – Purpose of market research
B2 – Market research methods and use
B3 – Developing the rationale
Unit 2: Developing a marketing campaign
C1 – Marketing campaign activity
C2 – Marketing mix
C3 – The marketing campaign
C4 – Appropriateness of marketing campaign
External assessment practice sessions
Module 5: Reaction Rates
Methods of monitoring the rate of reaction through change is mass/volume/colorimetry
Reaction graphs and reaction orders
Rate equations and the rate constant
The Arrhenius equation
Module 5: Equilibrium, and Acids and Bases
The equilibrium constant and calculating the K values in reactions involving gases and solutions
Definition of acids and bases
Calculating the pH of acids using the acid dissociation constant
Explaining the use of buffer solutions
pH curves and titrations
Module 5: Enthalpy, Entropy and Free Energy
Enthalpy calculations of lattices and solutions
Born-Haber cycles
Definition of entropy
Calculation and Determination of Gibbs free energy
Module 5: Redox and electrode potentials
Redox titration calculations
Electrochemical cells and Fuel cells
Computer Science
Unit 10: Computational thinking
Abstraction, logical thinking and problem solving
Component 3: NEA
Unit 11: Programming techniques:
Selection, iteration, subroutines and object-oriented techniques
Component 3: NEA
Unit 3: Personnel involved in criminal investigations
Trial processes and evidence in criminal cases
Unit 3: Techniques in criminal investigations
Key influences affecting the outcomes of criminal cases
Dance (BTEC Performing Arts)
Unit 1: Investigating Practitioner’s Work
Drama and Theatre Studies
Component 2 – Scripted Performance
Applying theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in live performance.
Performing or realising a performance design for extracts from two play texts.
Component 3, Section A – Live Theatre Evaluation
Analysing and evaluating a live performance
Microeconomics – Individuals, firms, markets and market failure
4.1.1 The economic problem and economic methodology
4.1.2 Individual economic decision making
Macroeconomics – The national and international economy
4.2.1 The measurement of macroeconomic performance
4.2.2 How the macroeconomy works – Part 1
4.1.3 Price determination in a competitive market
4.1.4 Price determination in a competitive market Part 1
4.2.2 How the macroeconomy works – Part 2
4.2.3 Economic performance
English Literature
Knowledge about Poetry: analysing revelatory enjambment; internal rhyme; mythological, biblical and fairytale imagery; allusion; enumeration; anthology structure
Comparative Coursework: Frankenstein: see Summer 2. Re-drafting coursework.
Knowledge about Poetry continued:
Allegory; critical interpretations
Film Studies
Paper 2: Section A: Global filmmaking perspectives – Film 1: Pan's Labyrinth (Del Toro, Spain, 2006)
Paper 2: Section A: Global filmmaking perspectives – Film 2: City of God (Mereilles, Brazil, 2002)
Continuation of research and planning for major coursework project.
Continuation of Paper 2: Section A: Global filmmaking perspectives – Film 2: City of God (Mereilles, Brazil, 2002)
Paper 2: Section B: Global Documentary film:  The Arbor (Barnard, UK, 2010)
Production for major coursework project.
Further Maths
Algebra 3, Functions Graphs and transformations 2
Sequences & Series
Forces & Newton’s Laws
NEA: writing up your fieldwork investigation
Hazards: volcanic hazards
Glacial Systems and Landscapes: glacial systems & landscapes;
Hazards: seismic hazards
Glacial Systems and Landscapes: nature & distribution of cold environments
Government and Politics
Government and politics of the USA and comparative politics
The judiciary
Comparing judiciaries
Government and politics of the USA and comparative politics
Civil rights
Comparing civil rights
Comparing Congress and Parliament
Health and Social Care
Induction to Year 13 units
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care
Unit 4: Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care
Unit 4: Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
Early Tudors
Henry VIII later years
Russia 1894-1941
Stalin and the power struggle
Civil Rights in USA
Native American civil rights
Early Tudors
Edward VI government and religious change
Russia 1894-1941
Modernisation of the USSR
Civil Rights in USA
Native American civil rights
Criminal law
Property offences, theft and robbery
Attempted Crimes
Capacity Defences - Insanity
Necessity Defences - Self-defence
Prevention of crime
Duress of circumstances
Human rights Law
Rules in Human rights Theory in Human rights
Human rights in international Law
Human Rights in the UK before the Human rights act 1998
Human Rights in the UK after the Human rights act 1998
Article 2 - The right to life
Article 5 - the right to liberty and security 
Algebra 3
Functions, graphs & Transformations
Kinematics & Projectiles
Sequences & Series
Trigonometry 2
Forces 2
Media Studies
Continuation of Newspapers (Paper 1 Sections A & B)
Television in the Global Age  (Paper 2 Section A)
Research and planning for major coursework project.
Television in the Global Age  (Paper 2 Section A)
Production for major coursework project.
Into the 20th century
Poulenc set work Trio for Oboe, Piano and Bassoon
Debussy set work revised Nuages
Impressionism, Expressionism and NeoClassicism revisited
Exam Technique
Wider Listening Prokofiev, Poulenc, Stravinsky and Schoenberg
Musical Theatre
Set composers revised – Schoenberg, Rogers, Bernstein, LloydWebber, Sondheim and Schwartz
The A Level comparison question
Development of the Symphony
Mendelssohn Symphony No.4 Italian set work
Haydn Symphony No.104 2nd movement set work study
Score reading, error identification and dictation
Wider Listening Brahms, Schuman, Schubert, Liszt
Exam technique – the 15 mark essay question
Free Compositions finished and paperwork completed
Brief Compositions started
Practice ongoing
2 mock recitals October one performance piece, December two performance pieces
The Concept and Nature of God
The attributes of God
What do we mean by mind?
Exploring the features of mental states.
The Concept and Nature of God
Arguments for the incoherence of the concept of God
What do we mean by mind?
Exploring the features of mental states through philosophical theory.
Module 6.1: Capacitors
Students will learn the basic properties of capacitors and how they are used in electrical circuits as well as the use of capacitors as a source of electrical energy
Module 5.1: Thermal physics
Students have an understanding of temperature, mater, specific heat capacity and specific latent heat with contexts involving heat transfer and change of phase Experimental work to investigate specific heat capacity of materials
Module 6.2: Electric fields
Understanding of Coulomb’s law, uniform electric fields, electric potential and energy
Module 5.2: Circular Motion
Students learn about objects travelling at constant speed in circles, e.g., planets, artificial satellites, charged particles in a magnetic field.
Module 5.3: Oscillation
Understand oscillations including atoms vibrating in a solid, a bridge swaying in the wind, the motion of pistons of a car and the motion of tides.
Component 3: 
Schizophrenia: Characteristics, causes and treatments
Component 3:
Crime: Characteristics, causes and treatments
Functionalist and interactionist theories on crime
Ownership and control of the media
Marxist and realist theories on crime
New media
Media, globalisation and popular culture
Sport (BTEC)
Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being 
Optional Unit (TBC based on cohort) 
Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
Optional Unit (TBC based on cohort) 
  Mock exam


Spring term

  Spring 1 Spring 2
Externally set exam
Externally set exam
Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems
Inherited change
Populations and evolution
Populations in ecosystems
Control of gene expression
Gene mutations
Regulation of transcription and translation
Gene expression and cancer
Recombinant DNA technology
Producing DNA fragments
Genetic fingerprinting
Business Studies (A)
Theme 3: Business decisions and strategy
3.1 Business objectives and strategy
3.2 Business growth
3.3 Decision-making techniques
Theme 3: Business decisions and strategy
3.4 Influences on business decisions
3.5 Assessing competitiveness
3.6 Managing change
Business Studies (BTEC)
Unit 2: Developing a marketing campaign
External assessment in January
Unit 8: Recruitment and selection process
Learning aim A: Examine how effective recruitment and selection contribute to business success, ethical and legal considerations in the recruitment process
Unit 8: Recruitment and selection process
Learning aim B: Undertake a recruitment activity to demonstrate the processes leading to a successful job offer; job applications, interview and interview skills
Module 5: Transition Metals
Identification and uses of transition metals
Complex ions
Ligand substitution
Precipitation reactions
Tests for transition metal ions
Module 6: Aromatic Compounds and Carbonyls
Benzene and the Kekule model
Reactions of Benzene
Phenols and their reactions
Aldehydes and Ketones
Carboxylic acids
Acyl Chlorides
Module 6: Nitrogen Compounds
Amines and Amides
Amino acids
Addition Polymers
Condensation Polymers
Module 6: Organic synthesis
Making carbon-carbon bonds
Practical techniques in organic synthesis
Computer Science
Unit 11: Programming techniques:
Selection, iteration, subroutines and object-oriented techniques
Component 3: NEA
Unit 12: Algorithms
Searching, bubble sort, merge sort, optimisation algorithms
Component 3: NEA
Controlled assessment Unit 3
Unit 4
Forms of social control
Law making
Unit 4
Models of criminal justice and organisation of the criminal justice system
Aims of punishment
Unit 1: Investigating Practitioners Work 
External exam (Unit 1) 
Unit 12 – Contemporary Dance Technique 
Unit 12 – Contemporary Dance Technique 
Drama and Theatre Studies
Component 2 – Scripted Performance
Applying theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in live performance.
Performing or realising a performance design for extracts from two play texts.
Component 3:
Section B – That Face
Section C – Woyzeck & Brecht

Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
4.1.4 Price determination in a competitive market Part 2
4.1.5 Perfect competition, imperfectly competitive markets and monopoly
4.2.4 Financial markets and monetary policy
4.2.5 Fiscal policy and supply-side policies – Part 1
4.1.6 The labour market
4.1.7 The distribution of income and wealth: poverty and inequality
4.2.5 Fiscal policy and supply-side policies – Part 2
4.2.6 The international economy – Part 1
English Literature
Revision Programme: quote memorisation, exam techniques and time management strategies; question practice
Revision Programme continued: therapies to address misconceptions/fluency errors/weaknesses
Film Studies
Continuation of Paper 2: Section B: Global Documentary film:  The Arbor (Barnard, UK, 2010)
Paper 2: Section D: Film Movements – Experimental Film (1960-2000):
 Pulp Fiction (Tarantino, US, 1994)
Production for major coursework project.
Paper 2: Section D: Film Movements – Experimental Film (1960-2000):
 Pulp Fiction (Tarantino, US, 1994)
Production for major coursework project.
Further Maths
Differentiation 2
Parametric Equations
Hazards: Tropical cyclone hazards
Glacial Systems and Landscapes: systems & processes in glaciers & glacial landscapes
Global Systems and Global Governance: globalisation; global systems, international trade & access to markets
Hazards: fires in nature
Glacial Systems and Landscapes: human occupation & development
Global Systems and Global Governance: global governance; global commons
Government and Politics
Government and politics of the USA and comparative politics
The electoral process and direct democracy
The Executive - The President
Government and politics of the USA and comparative politics
Pressure groups

US Political parties
Health and Social Care
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care
Unit 4: Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
Unit 12: Support Individuals with Additional Needs
Unit 19: Nutritional Health
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
Unit 12: Support Individuals with Additional Needs
Unit 19: Nutritional Health
Early Tudors
Mary I gender and administration
Russia 1894-1941
Stalin’s terror
Civil Rights in USA
Trade Union and Labour rights before 1940
Early Tudors
Mary I religion
Russia 1894-1941
Propaganda and the Cult of Personality

Civil Rights in USA
Trade Union and Labour rights 1940-1980s.
Human rights Law
Article 8 right to respect for private and family life
Article 10 right to freedom of expression
Article 11 right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others.
Law and society
The role law plays in society.
The effect of law on enforceable rights and the balance required between competing interests (eg public and private).
The meaning and importance of fault in civil and/or criminal law.
Law and morality
The distinction between law and morality and the diversity of moral views in a pluralist society.
The relationship between law and morality and its importance.
The legal enforcement of moral values.
Differentiation 2
Probability 2
Parametric Equations
Normal Distribution
Hypothesis testing 2
Media Studies
Media in the Online Age  (Paper 2 Section C)
Magazines – Mainstream and Alternative Media  (Paper 2 Section B)
Production for major coursework project.
Continuation of Magazines – Mainstream and Alternative Media  (Paper 2 Section B)
Production for major coursework project.
Into the 20th century
Poulenc and Debussy set works revised 
Exam Technique
Wider Listening Stravinsky, Ravel, Debussy, Webern and Berg
Musical Theatre
Set composers revised – Schoenberg, Rogers, Bernstein, LloydWebber, Sondheim and Schwartz
The comparison question revisited
Development of the Symphony
Haydn Symphony No.104 4th movement set work study
Score reading, error identification and dictation
Wider Listening Tchaikovsky, Mahler, Smetana
Revision and exam technique  
Brief Compositions finished and paperwork completed
Practice ongoing
A Level recital to a live examiner, date TBC February April
Arguments relating to the existence of God
Traditional arguments for the existence of God, including ontological, cosmological and teleological arguments. The problem of evil in response to a traditional understanding of God.
Dualist Theories of Mind
Understanding substance dualism and property dualism, combined with a critical analysis of theories of mind.
Religious Language
Cognitivism and non-cognitivism as a approaches to understanding religious language claims. Philosophical theories of language as presented by Hick, Flew and Ayer.
Physicalist theories of mind and functionalism
Exploring and critiquing different philosophical theories about the nature of mind, including physicalism, mind-brain type identity theory and eliminative materialism.
Module 6.3: Electromagnetism
Students will understand magnet fields, motion of charged particles in magnets fields, Lenz’s law and Faraday’s law. The application of Faraday’s law
Module 6.4: Nuclear and particle Physics
Students will learn about the atom, nucleus, fundamental particles, radioactivity, fission and fusion.
Module 5.4: Gravitational fields
Understand Newton’s law of gravitation, planetary motion and gravitational potential and energy. Newton’s law of gravitation can be used to predict the motion of orbiting satellites and planets
Module 6.5: Medical imaging
Students will learn about how ionising radiations are used in medical treatments.
Module 5.5: Astro Physics and Cosmology
Students will show an understanding of the life cycle of stars, Wien’s displacement law, Stefan’s law, Hubble’s law and the Big Bang.
Component 3: Bullying -
Characteristics, causes and treatments
Component 3: 
Contemporary debates
Gender and ethnicity in relation to crime and justice
Selection and presentation of the content of the news
Crime and the media
Globalisation, green and state crime
Media representations of age, social class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and disability
Sport (BTEC)
Unit 2:  Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being 
Optional Unit (TBC based on cohort) 
Unit 2:  Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being 
Optional Unit (TBC based on cohort) 
Mock exam

Summer term

  Summer `1
Externally set exam
Review of core Year 12 content, focusing on making links to Year 13 content and application to summative style questions
Business Studies (A)
Revision and exam skills
Business Studies (BTEC)
Unit 8: Recruitment and selection process
Learning aim C: Reflect on the recruitment and selection process and students evaluate their own individual performances through self-critique, SWOT analysis and action plan
Module 6: Analysis
Tests for organic functional groups
NMR Spectroscopy
C-13 NMR Spectroscopy
Proton NMR Spectroscopy
Review of core Year 12 content, focusing on making links to Year 13 content and application to summative style questions.
Computer Science
Applying exam techniques for components 1 and 2
Component 3: NEA
Unit 4: Roles of agencies in social control
Charities and pressure groups
Dance (BTEC Performing Arts)
Unit 12: Contemporary Dance Technique
Coursework deadline
Drama and Theatre Studies
Component 3:
Section B – That Face
Section C – Woyzeck & Brecht
Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed.
Section A – Live Theatre Evaluation
Analysing and evaluating a live performance
4.1.8 The market mechanism, market failure and government intervention in markets
4.2.6 The international economy – Part 2
Revision and exam skills
English Literature
Revision Programme continued: therapies to address misconceptions/fluency errors/weaknesses
Film Studies
Revision, tailored to areas most relevant to student need, including:
Paper 1 Section A – Hollywood 1930-1990
Paper 1 Section B: American Film Since 2005
Paper 1 Section C: British Film Since 1995
Paper 2: Section A: Global filmmaking perspectives
Paper 2: Section B:  Documentary film
Paper 2: Section D: Film Movements – Experimental Film (1960-2000)
Further Maths
Integration 2
Numerical methods
The Normal Distribution
Numerical Methods
Vectors 2
Hypothesis Testing 2
Global Systems and Global Governance: Antarctica & the Southern Ocean; the protection of Antarctica
Revision and Exams
Focused teacher led revision using past examination papers and exemplars
Revision and Exams
Focused teacher led revision using past examination papers and exemplars
Government and Politics
Political ideologies
Links to US and UK government and politics
Health and Social Care
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care
Unit 4: Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
Unit 12: Support Individuals with Additional Needs
Unit 19: Nutritional Health
Early Tudors
Revision: Revolts, key women and religious change
Russia 1894-1941
Revision: Rule of Nicholas, 1917 revolutions, Rule of Stalin

Civil Rights in USA
Revision: African Americans, women, Native Americans and labour rights.
Law and Justice
The meaning of justice and theories of justice.
The extent to which the law (civil and/or criminal) achieves justice.
Numerical Methods
Media Studies
Revision Focused teacher led revision using past examination papers and exemplars
Both compositions finished and submitted to the exam board
Exam Preparation for June exam
Revision of all four set works (Haydn, Mendelssohn, Debussy and Poulenc)
Consolidation of previous learning ready for exam revision
Score reading, error identification and dictation
Exam technique
Revision of key content
Epistemology and Moral Philosophy
The Metaphysics of God and the Metaphysics of Morals
Exam Preparation and revision
Key exam strategies
Review of critical material
Control punishments and victims
Media, their content and presentation, and audiences.
Exam revision and prep
Unit 2: Exam
Coursework deadline