Second Hand Uniform Scheme
Donate school uniform
- Is your uniform a bit of a misfit?
- Has your daughter outgrown it?
- Do you no longer need it or do you need an upgrade?
Why not donate it back to school where it can help to reduce, re-use, recycle and raise funds for our school?
How do I donate second hand uniform?
Please follow the guidelines below:
- All items MUST be washed at 60 degrees and bagged up.
- Please itemise everything in your donation bag by type, size and quantity.
- Please stick this list to the outside of the bag
- Please deliver your Uniform Donations to reception or send in with your daughter to pass to her Head of Year
Uniform that is in the Lost Property and is unnamed and unclaimed by the end of the academic year will be considered second hand uniform.
Can I purchase second hand uniforms?
We've teamed up with Uniformd to enable you to purchase second hand uniform at the fraction of the cost of new, with all funds raised going back to our school.
Visit our Uniformd shop to purchase:
Once purchased, the uniform can be picked up from the school office.
Where do I get new uniform?
Full details of school uniform and how to order are available by clicking here.