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Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls

Carshalton High School for Girls is a highly successful school, judged by Ofsted in January 2023 as ‘Good’ in all categories.

Admission Appeals

Provided a valid application for a school place has been made, parents have a right to appeal against a decision by the School not to offer their child a place at Carshalton High School for Girls.

In order to make a valid application to Carshalton High School for Girls, parents must name Carshalton High School for Girls on their home Local Authority’s Common Application Form.

All appeals will be heard by an Independent Appeals Panel which will be organised by an Independent Clerk. Appelants must be aware that their application details will be shared with the Appeals Clerk and Panel.

At a hearing, the Independent Panel would need to be satisfied that there is evidence to demonstrate that:

  • the admission arrangements did not comply with admissions law or had not been correctly and impartially applied, and the child would have been offered a place if the arrangements had complied or had been correctly and impartially applied; or
  • finds that the admission of an additional child (or children) would not prejudice the provision of efficient education or efficient use of resources and considers that the appellant’s case outweighs the prejudice to the school.

Admission Appeals Timetable

Appeals resulting from year of entry or transfer applications for admission in September 2024 will be heard according to the following timetable: 

Transfer to Secondary School


National Offer Day 3 March 2025
Deadline to request appeal documentation (at least 20 school days from offer day) 2 April 2025
Deadline to return appeal documentation  22 April 2025
Deadline for appeals to be heard by (40 school days from the deadline to submit appeal) 25 June 2025
Deadline of appeal to be heard for mid- term applications Within 30 school days of receipt of Appeal Application

In addition it should be noted:

  • Appellants receive at least 10 school days’ notice of their appeal hearing
  • Appellants will be given sufficient time to submit additional evidence to the panel and parties
  • Decision letters are usually sent within 5 school days of the hearing
  • Late application appeals are heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 days of the appeal being lodged

Our Admissions Policy can be found on our polices and procedures page:

The Department of Education has published a School Admissions Appeals Code where you can find out more about the process.

Our appeals form is available to download at the bottom of this page.

For the Sixth Form:

  1. Where the offer of a place would have been conditional upon exam results, appeals must be heard within 30 days of confirmation of those results

  2. Where the offer of a place would not have been conditional upon exam results, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals